Investigating the relationship between Higher education and sustainable development (A Case Study of Professors of Governmental Universities)
Governmental Universities,, Higher Education,, Research,, Sustainable Development, TrainingAbstract
This study aims to explore the relationship between the higher
education and sustainable development in governmental universities
of Afghanistan. This study intends to provide light on the
significance of higher education and the ways in which it can support
sustainable development. The research used quantitative research
methodology and the data came from 349 professors of the
governmental universities of Afghanistan through a five-point Likert
scale online questionnaire, and was analyzed by SPSS program.
Cronbach's alpha was found 0.881 which it shows a strong reliability
of the instrument. Also, the validity of the questionnaire has been
confirmed by a number of experts in the field of economics.
Hypotheses was developed and were tested through Spearman's rho
correlation to determine the relationship between the variables. The
finding exhibited that higher education has a positive and significant
impact on sustainable development as much as 0.543. The research
results show that research has the greatest effect of 0.482 and training
has the least effect of 0.423 on sustainable development.